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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Making Somethings Clear - The Ads

One of the things I would like to make clear is why I am placing the Google AdSense ads all over the pages. I wasn't intending to place ads anywhere on this blog, because this blog belongs to all our members. I don't want to keep a single cent earned from this blog for myself. However, my other blog, Download Hindi Songs, made about $35 last month from the ads (which will hopefully pay for a hosting plan and a domain name for a personal website I'm intending to create, if it keeps performing that way._

That gave me an idea about what we could do by running ads on this blog.

From the money that might come from those ads, we can run contests or group projects that anyone or selected people could participate in, either on this blog or on one of our member's blog, and we could use that money to buy some cool stuff for the winner, for example a DVD of the winner's favorite movie or music CD. It will provide something fun for everyone to do.

I've been running those ads since July 31st. With an average of only 7 visitors a day, the ads have made USD0.07, which isn't much at all. Neither is the visitors' number.
Blog Visitors (click to enlarge)

Ad Statistics

With getting more visitors with time and popularity, if it performs as well as DHS, we can have contests or group projects every month or even every couple of weeks, if things turnout good. However, for now it remains only as an idea and a good wish that might materialize or may not.

I would to love know your opinion, so please don't hesitate to comment.

NOTE: Please DO NOT click the ads if they do not interest you. That might earn us a few cents, it will cost the advertiser more than twice that much (more than half of the advertising revenue goes to Google). Excessive and useless clicks may also get me banned. So please be considerate.


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